Colnago M10 S frameset

MSRP : USD 4,300.00

Price : USD 4,299.00



The M10 S fea­tures a mono­coque frame and shares the top spot of the Colnago range together with the C59 Italia. New lam­i­na­tion tech­nol­ogy and com­pos­ite mate­ri­als used in the man­u­fac­tur­ing process of the M10 S make it lighter, whilst also being stiffer lat­er­ally. This is also partly due to the increased bot­tom bracket size, but the frame also fea­tures increased ver­ti­cal absorp­tion to pro­vide more com­fort and yet deliver greater per­for­mance. With the C-HS1 tapered head­tube and a new fork, the M10 S is designed to be pre­cise on descents and smoother through cor­ners. Internal cable rout­ing for clean lines com­ple­ments the M10 S’s clas­sic Colnago design. The same frame is com­pat­i­ble for both Di2/EPS elec­tronic groupsets and tra­di­tional mechan­i­cal groupsets. This allows Colnago to offer the per­fect solu­tion to your needs, with­out sac­ri­fic­ing any reli­a­bil­ity or performance.

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